Benny Vansteelant Passes Away

by World Triathlon Admin on 15 Sep, 2007 12:00

The entire multi-sport world was shocked and deeply saddened today with the news that Benny Vansteelant had passed away from injuries sustained last weekend when he was struck by a car while training.

On Friday morning Benny Vansteelant died at hospital in Roeselare, Belgium. Last Saturday his bike was hit a car while he was training in the West Flemish municipality of Hooglede-Gits.

The duathlete sustained a double fracture to his leg, a broken shoulder, grazing to his face, a ruptured spleen and damage to his heart and lungs. He was rushed to hospital in Roeselare and remained in intensive care until Thursday afternoon.

The doctors at the hospital had said that they expected Benny Vansteelant to make a full recovery. He had been making good progress. He had left the hospital’s intensive care unit on Thursday afternoon and there were high hopes that he would be able to compete again at the highest level.

His heart stopped sometime between ward checks at 5:30am and 6:00am and despite some 30 minutes of effort to revive him it proved impossible.

The ITU family extends our deepest sympathy to Benny’s family.  We all share in the loss of this wonderful athlete.  He was a symbol of strength for all of us, and such a dominant force in duathlon for so many years.

He will be missed by all of us.

El mundo entero del deporte se ha sobresaltado y se ha entristecido profundamente hoy con las noticias del fallecimiento de Benny Vansteelant tras las heridas ocasionadas el pasado fin de semana cuando un coche le golpeó mientras entrenaba.

La familia de la ITU manda nuestro más sentido pésame a la familia de Benny. Compartimos la pérdida de este maravilloso atleta. Él era un símbolo de poderío para todos nosotros y un claro dominador del duatlón durante muchos años. 

Él será una gran pérdida para todos nosotros.

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