Gaishorn Winter Tri Full Review

by World Triathlon Admin on 02 Feb, 2008 12:00

The 2008 ETU Winter Triathlon European Championships from Gaishorn am See, Austria successfully wrapped up with elite team relays and all age-group categories.

In the elite womens team relay, Germany dominated from the start and won by almost two full minutes.  Russia took the silver, just edging out home crowd favorite Austria by 13 seconds. 

Final results Womens Team Relay
1 GERMANY Team I GER 01:52:27
2 RUSSIA Team I RUS 01:54:16
3 AUSTRIA Team I AUT 01:54:29
Click here for complete results

In the mens relay, the Austrian team thrilled the locals with a gold medal performance, almost a full minute ahead of Russia who settled for the silver.  Germany came across the line for the bronze, just 12 seconds behind Russia.

Final results Mens Team Relay
1 AUSTRIA Team I AUT 01:34:23
2 RUSSIA Team I RUS 01:35:26
3 GERMANY Team I GER 01:35:38
Click here for complete results

All age-group categories were also contested on the successful championship weekend.
Click here for complete age-group results

The ETU Winter Triathlon European Championships kicked off on Saturday in Gaishorn am See, Austria.

In the elite womens race the question was if Sigrid Mutscheller would able to defend her title again and remain unbeaten.  Carina Wasle was the best on the run from the very beginning as nobody was able to keep pace with her. She increased her lead lap by lap. Her lead was 1 minute, 30 seconds after the first discipline. Yulia Surikova from Russia came second with Mutscheller on her heels.  The large audience expected Mutscheller to catch Wasle during the mountain bike leg but instead Wasle increased her lead by another 30 seconds and started the cross-country ski leg with an impressive two minute lead. Mutscheller came second, Surikova third and Anke Kullman from Germany fourth. After two laps of the eight lap cross-country ski course, it was more and more certain that Mutscheller would secure the win and halfway through the last leg she was already in the lead. The other German, Kullman passed Surikova and climbed onto the podium. Wasle finished second.

Final results - Elite Women
7.5km run, 12.5km mountain bike, 9.6km cross-country ski
1 Mutscheller, Sigrid GER 01:34:29  
2 Wasle, Carina AUT 01:36:13  
3 Kullmann, Anke GER 01:37:11  
Click here for full elite womens results

A big elite mens field started at 14:00 with several former champions in the field. Florian Holzinger tried to replicate what Wasle did in the womens race. He increased his lead on the run and began the bike leg with a lead of 40 seconds over the local favorite Heinz Planizer. The former champions included Daniel Antonioli from Italy, Andreas Svanebo from Sweden and Sigi Bauer from Austria but all were down by 90 seconds after the run. On the mountain bike section, the first and second athletes remained in the lead, but the chase group gained some ground them. Two Czech athletes, Tomas Dolezal and Pavel Jindra, joined this group with an outstanding bike performance. Holzinger hit the cross-country ski course followed by Planitzer from the same distance as after the run. Their lead was very impressive, but not for Svanebo, who performed one of the best ski segments and caught all his rivals one by one, lap by lap and was able to defend his European title. Holzinger was very happy with the second place and the locals were very elated for Planitzer finishing third.

Final results - Elite Men
7.5km run, 12.5km mountain bike, 9.6km cross-country ski
1 Svanebo, Andreas SWE 01:19:59  
2 Holzinger, Florian GER 01:20:18  
3 Planitzer, Heinz AUT 01:21:09  
Click here for full elite mens results

In the junior division, the Austrians dominated both mens and womens fields.  The races were in the toughest conditions with a mix of snow and rain. The air temperature was a chilly +2 degrees Celcius at this time of the day but the course was well prepared for the athletes. 

Final results - Junior Women
4.5km run, 7.5km mountain bike, 6km cross-country ski
1 Perterer, Lisa AUT 01:04:55  
2 Kadlecova, Monika SVK 01:12:14  
3 Hofer, Stefanie AUT 01:16:29  
Click here for full junior womens results

Final results - Junior Men
4.5km run, 7.5km mountain bike, 6km cross-country ski
1 Knabl, Alois AUT 00:54:29  
2 Zahula, Vit CZE 00:55:24  
3 Waldhuber, Felix AUT 00:56:19  
Click here for full junior mens results

In the Under23 womens race, Russian Yuliya Barabash won gold over Germaine Roullet of Italy.
Final results - U23 Women  
7.5km run, 12.5km mountain bike, 9.6km cross-country ski
1 Barabash, Yuliya RUS 01:53:15  
2 Roullet, Germaine ITA 01:55:14  
Click here for full under23 womens results

Peter Viana of Italy took the mens Under23 European title with a 24-second win over another Peter, Peter Mosny of Slovakia.  Gjermund Nordskar of Norway took the bronze.
Final results - U23 Men  
7.5km run, 12.5km mountain bike, 9.6km cross-country ski
1 Viana, Peter ITA 01:25:05  
2 Mosny, Peter SVK 01:25:29  
3 Nordskar, Gjermund NOR 01:25:44
Click here for full under23 mens results

We are very happy with the work of the Local Organising Committee and the Austrian Federation providing excellent facilities in spite of difficult weather conditions, said Gergely Markus, ETU Secretary General in Gaishorn am See.  We are also grateful for those National Federations and individuals who made their way to Gaishorn and celebrate this wonderful sport of Winter Triathlon.
Click here for information on the race

Los Campeonatos de Europa de Triatln empezaron el sbado en Gaishorn am See, Austria.

En la carrera de la lite femenina la pregunta era si Sigrid Mutscheller sera capaz de defender su ttulo otra vez y permanecer imbatida. Carina Wasle fue la mejor corriendo desde el inicio y nadie fue capaz de seguirla. Ella aumentaba su ventaja vuelta tras vuelta. Su ventaja era de 1 minuto, 30 segundos al finalizar la primera disciplina. Yulia Surikova de Rusia lleg segunda con Mutscheller pegada a sus talones. El numeroso pblico esperaba que Mutscheller atrapase a Wasle durante el segmento de la bicicleta de montaa a pesar de que Wasle incrementase su ventaja en otros 30 segundos e iniciase el segmento de esqu campo a travs con una ventaja impresionante de dos minutos. Mutscheller lleg segunda, Surikova tercera y Anke Kullman de Alemania cuarta. Despus de dos de las ocho vueltas del circuito de esqu campo a travs, era cada vez ms cierto que Mutscheller se asegurara la victoria y a la mitad del ltimo segmento ella ya estaba en cabeza. La otra alemana, Kullman super a Surikova y se subi al podium. Wasle finaliz segunda. 

Resultados Finales lite Femenina
7.5km carrera a pie, 12.5km bicicleta de montaa, 9.6km esqu campo a travs
1 Mutscheller, Sigrid GER 01:34:29  
2 Wasle, Carina AUT 01:36:13  
3 Kullmann, Anke GER 01:37:11  
Pulse aqu para ver los resultados completos de la lite femenina

Una gran categora masculina dio inicio a las 14:00 con algunos de los antiguos campeones de la categora. Florian Holzinger trat de reproducir los que Wasle haba hecho en la carrera femenina. l increment su ventaja en la carrera a pie y empez el segmento de la bicicleta con una ventaja de 40 segundos sobre el favorito local Heinz Planizer. Los anteriores campeones de otras ediciones, entre los que estaban Daniel Antonioli de Italia, Andreas Svanebo de Suecia y Sigi Bauer de Austria estaban por detrs a 90 segundos, tras la carrera a pi. En el segmento de la bicicleta, los dos primeros clasificados permanecieron en cabeza, pero el grupo perseguidor recorto distancias. Dos atletas checos, Tomas Dolezal y Pavel Jindra, se unieron a este grupo con una excepcional actuacin en la bicicleta. Holzinger encabez el circuito campo a travs seguido de Planitzer a la misma distancia que despus de la carrera. Tena una ventaja muy importante, pero no tanto para Svanebo, que realiz uno de los mejores segmentos de esqu y cogi a todos sus rivales uno por uno, vuelta tras vuelta y fue capaz de defender su ttulo europeo. Holzinger estaba muy feliz con su segundo puesto y el pblico local estaba eufrico por el tercer puesto de Planitzer.

Resultados Finales lite Masculina
7.5km carrera a pie, 12.5km bicicleta de montaa, 9.6km esqu campo a travs
1 Svanebo, Andreas SWE 01:19:59  
2 Holzinger, Florian GER 01:20:18  
3 Planitzer, Heinz AUT 01:21:09  
Pulse aqu para ver los resultados completos de la lite masculina

En la categora junior, los austriacos dominaron las categoras masculinas y femeninas. Las carreras fueron en unas condiciones dursimas con una mezcla de nieve y lluvia. La temperatura del aire era de 2 a esta hora del da pero el circuito estuvo bien preparado para los atletas.

Resultados Finales Junior Femeninos
4.5km carrera a pie, 7.5km bicicleta de montaa, 6km esqu campo a travs
1 Perterer, Lisa AUT 01:04:55  
2 Kadlecova, Monika SVK 01:12:14  
3 Hofer, Stefanie AUT 01:16:29  
Pulse aqu para ver los resultados completos junior femeninos

Resultados Finales - Junior Masculinos
4.5km carrera a pie, 7.5km bicicleta de montaa, 6km esqu campo a travs
1 Knabl, Alois AUT 00:54:29  
2 Zahula, Vit CZE 00:55:24  
3 Waldhuber, Felix AUT 00:56:19  
Pulse aqu para ver los resultados completos junior masculinos

En la carrera Sub23 femenina, la rusa Yuliya Barabash gan el oro por delante de Germaine Roullet de Italia.
Resultados Finales - Sub23 Femenino  
7.5km carrera a pie, 12.5km bicicleta de montaa, 9.6km esqu campo a travs
1 Barabash, Yuliya RUS 01:53:15  
2 Roullet, Germaine ITA 01:55:14  
Pulse aqu para ver los resultados completos Sub23 femeninos
Peter Viana de Italia se hizo con el ttulo europeo de la categora Sub23 con 24 segundos de ventaja sobre otro Peter, Peter Mosny de Eslovaquia.  Gjermund Nordskar de Noruega, se llev el bronce.
Resultados Finales - Sub23 Masculino  
7.5km carrera a pie, 12.5km bicicleta de montaa, 9.6km esqu campo a travs
1 Viana, Peter ITA 01:25:05  
2 Mosny, Peter SVK 01:25:29  
3 Nordskar, Gjermund NOR 01:25:44
Pulse aqu para ver los resultados completos Sub23 masculinos

Estamos muy felices con el trabajo del Comit Organizador Local y la Federacin Austriaca proporcionando unas excelentes facilidades a pesar de las dificultades meteorolgicas, dijo Gergely Markus, Delegado Tcnico en Gaishorn am See. Estamos tambin agradecidos de aquellas Federaciones Nacionales y personas que han hecho posible que Gaishorn celebre este maravilloso triatln de invierno.

Pulse aqu para ms informacin sobre la carrera

Related Event: 2008 Gaishorn am See ETU Winter Triathlon European Championships
01 - 03 Feb, 2008 • event pageall results
Results: Elite Men
1. Andreas Svanebo SWE 01:19:59
2. Florian Holzinger GER 01:20:18
3. Heinz Planitzer AUT 01:21:09
4. Sigi Bauer AUT 01:21:21
5. Tomas Dolezal CZE 01:22:04
Results: Elite Women
1. Sigrid Mutscheller GER 01:34:29
2. Carina Wasle AUT 01:36:13
3. Anke Kullmann GER 01:37:11
4. Yulia Surikova RUS 01:38:43
5. Camilla Hott Johansen NOR 01:39:16
Results: Junior Women
1. Lisa Perterer AUT 01:04:55
2. Monika Kadlecova SVK 01:12:14
3. Stefanie Hofer AUT 01:16:29
Results: Junior Men
1. Alois Knabl AUT 00:54:29
2. Vit Zahula CZE 00:55:24
3. Felix Waldhuber AUT 00:56:19
4. Julian Langer AUT 00:56:35
5. Anton Ryabchikov RUS 00:57:58
Results: 70-74 Male AG
1. Armin Beyrich GER 01:18:21
2. Peter Grutsch AUT 01:22:14
Results: 65-69 Male AG
1. Karl-Heinz Tiefengraber AUT 01:07:07
2. Siegfried Schütze GER 01:17:37
Results: 60-64 Male AG
1. Waldemar Leithner AUT 01:02:14
2. Co Looijesteijn NED 01:10:44
3. Curt Maier AUT 01:10:46
4. Jan Holiga SVK 01:14:48
5. Anton Hergouth AUT 01:16:55
Results: 55-59 Male AG
1. Richard Kirchler AUT 00:56:19
2. Reinhardt Engert GER 01:08:47
Results: 50-54 Female AG
1. Ilse Maria Koll AUT 01:32:51
2. Marianne Hergouth AUT 01:45:09
Results: 50-54 Male AG
1. Wolfgang Leonhard GER 00:57:44
2. Enrico Barale ITA 00:59:30
3. Vladimir Sapozhnikov RUS 01:00:00
4. Georg Niggl GER 01:00:09
5. Franz Pretzl GER 01:00:28
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