Workout Wednesday with RJ Ross

by Chelsea White on 15 Feb, 2017 04:22 • Español
Workout Wednesday with RJ Ross

Workout Wednesday has been a longstanding tradition at the International Triathlon Union, where we like to honour and showcase some of the best triathletes in the world - you!

We’ve talked to medallists from the 2016 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final Cozumel age group races in both the standard and sprint distance sport classes and have asked them to provide their triathlete story along with their favourite workouts, proving that no matter your age, gender, race or country, anyone can tri!

This week we have RJ Ross, a firefighter from Canada who earned the silver medal in Cozumel. While he competed in the age group World Championships in 2004 in Madeira, in Cozumel he earned his way on his first podium, and to think that his triathlon career all started with a suggestion from his school librarian.

Name: RJ Ross
Country: CAN
Age Group: Male 35-39 Standard Distance
Profession: Firefighter

How you got involved in triathlon?
My public school librarian Jayne Sanford suggested I give it a shot. Yeah, she suckered me in and I took the bait so it’s really all her fault. Lol.

How often you train?
Depending on the time of year it varies. Off season typically 4-8 hours a week.
Base building 10-18 hours a week.
Race season 12-14 hours a week.

Best training advice?
Listen to your body and when in doubt rest. 

  What motivates you to race?
What motivates me to race?  To see the result after knowing you’ve worked as hard and as smart as you can to achieve a goal. That and the sport has some good looking women! Lol

Favourite workout:
It’s actually a simulated race to some degree.
I warm up with a 15 min spin on the computrainer (180-200 watts 95-100 rpm) which I set up under the gazebo at the Port Elgin beach followed by a 10 min easy jog. 
Then into the water for a 5 min easy swim. 
Main set Starts with a 500 m threshold swim then right onto the bike for 15-20 min big gear work (60-65rpm 260-280 watts) and finishing with a 2.5 km run trying to hold 3:20 km pace. 
5 min recovery and repeat it 2 more times. 
Warm down 10 min swim or bike dead easy.

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