Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Ann Davidson 1963 USA 31587 02:05:57 00:13:22 00:03:30 01:06:05 00:03:13 00:39:48
2 Loretta Sollars 1963 GBR 31548 02:05:58 00:11:54 00:02:56 01:09:02 00:02:46 00:39:23
3 Johanna Lawrence 1963 USA 31592 02:08:36 00:12:56 00:03:37 01:06:34 00:03:13 00:42:17
4 Caroline Whittaker 1961 GBR 31553 02:11:55 00:11:46 00:03:11 01:11:25 00:03:31 00:42:04
5 Sharon Kolarik 1959 USA 31591 02:12:30 00:13:28 00:03:31 01:09:25 00:03:14 00:42:55
6 Françoise Theate 1963 BEL 31612 02:12:59 00:11:08 00:03:31 01:13:27 00:03:26 00:41:29
7 Alison Wiley 1963 CAN 31625 02:13:01 00:12:37 00:03:22 01:10:26 00:03:50 00:42:48
8 Michele Tuttle 1963 USA 31598 02:14:18 00:12:41 00:04:14 01:09:41 00:03:19 00:44:25
9 Katherine Terrell Gray 1962 GBR 31551 02:14:42 00:13:40 00:03:41 01:10:12 00:03:10 00:44:01
10 Jeannie Fry 1961 GBR 31533 02:15:03 00:13:30 00:03:20 01:09:24 00:03:10 00:45:41
11 Marion Hermitage 1963 AUS 31605 02:15:07 00:11:58 00:03:34 01:13:51 00:03:11 00:42:34
12 Christine Pout 1961 GBR 31546 02:15:13 00:12:37 00:03:32 01:09:10 00:04:16 00:45:39
13 Annette Sampson 1963 AUS 31609 02:16:59 00:13:24 00:03:54 01:12:02 00:03:35 00:44:07
14 Diane Hier 1962 GBR 31536 02:17:09 00:13:36 00:02:58 01:14:04 00:03:00 00:43:33
15 Karen Blamick 1963 USA 31585 02:17:27 00:13:38 00:04:01 01:08:40 00:03:51 00:47:19
16 Julie Lambourne 1963 GBR 31539 02:17:36 00:13:51 00:03:49 01:08:36 00:03:39 00:47:43
17 Valerie Place 1960 GBR 31545 02:18:20 00:13:02 00:03:41 01:10:45 00:03:39 00:47:15
18 Solveig Gysland Saeby 1962 NOR 31580 02:19:22 00:14:15 00:05:00 01:11:12 00:03:30 00:45:26
19 Angela Davie 1960 AUS 31602 02:20:21 00:12:34 00:03:20 01:12:47 00:03:47 00:47:55
20 Beth Stalker 1959 USA 31597 02:20:51 00:13:33 00:04:15 01:13:21 00:04:19 00:45:25
21 Caroline Kavanagh 1961 USA 31590 02:21:43 00:14:11 00:03:30 01:11:44 00:03:44 00:48:35
22 Gesine Roesner 1961 GER 31558 02:21:52 00:14:27 00:03:53 01:13:55 00:04:16 00:45:23
23 Kristi Moen 1963 USA 31593 02:22:10 00:14:03 00:04:49 01:13:01 00:04:14 00:46:05
24 Nicola Lange 1963 GER 31556 02:22:15 00:12:02 00:03:44 01:12:41 00:03:48 00:50:01
25 Cynthia Hutchings 1963 USA 31589 02:22:20 00:12:07 00:03:38 01:13:43 00:04:15 00:48:39
26 Christine Loch 1962 CAN 31620 02:22:27 00:13:34 00:04:04 01:16:09 00:03:45 00:44:57
27 Reenie Parker 1959 USA 31594 02:22:40 00:14:13 00:04:25 01:07:42 00:04:32 00:51:50
28 Julia Taberham 1962 GBR 31550 02:23:52 00:13:48 00:03:56 01:13:12 00:03:34 00:49:25
29 Louise Heywood 1962 AUS 31606 02:24:20 00:14:32 00:03:41 01:09:43 00:03:47 00:52:39
30 Ludovica Bruno 1963 ITA 31570 02:24:21 00:15:26 00:04:12 01:15:05 00:03:39 00:46:01
31 Jo Gundle 1963 GBR 31534 02:25:03 00:16:32 00:04:20 01:13:50 00:03:46 00:46:37
32 Stacy Creamer 1959 USA 31586 02:25:06 00:15:45 00:05:05 01:11:13 00:04:14 00:48:52
33 Gillian Bathmaker 1959 GER 31555 02:25:20 00:14:55 00:04:52 01:15:58 00:04:05 00:45:32
34 Kerstin Lüders 1963 GER 31557 02:25:50 00:16:19 00:03:51 01:14:15 00:03:50 00:47:38
35 Dawn Linford 1963 GBR 31540 02:26:12 00:12:40 00:04:07 01:16:04 00:03:39 00:49:45
36 Alison Rose-Quirie 1960 GBR 31547 02:26:13 00:14:58 00:04:34 01:14:56 00:04:58 00:46:48
37 Michelle Faurot 1960 USA 31588 02:26:16 00:12:17 00:04:13 01:09:54 00:04:23 00:55:31
38 Debbie Hallett 1962 GBR 31535 02:26:36 00:15:35 00:03:48 01:13:27 00:03:49 00:49:58
39 Karen Nielsen 1962 GBR 31544 02:26:41 00:15:57 00:03:58 01:12:21 00:03:49 00:50:39
40 Lorrie Baildham 1960 CAN 31615 02:27:25 00:15:35 00:04:44 01:12:16 00:04:19 00:50:33
41 Joanne Stephens-Smith 1961 GBR 31549 02:27:54 00:13:26 00:04:09 01:18:37 00:03:50 00:47:55
42 Loreen Pindera 1959 CAN 31622 02:27:54 00:16:08 00:03:59 01:15:04 00:03:43 00:49:02
43 Diane Chaney 1962 GBR 31626 02:28:18 00:12:32 00:03:53 01:15:49 00:03:43 00:52:23
44 Eimear Mathews 1963 IRL 31564 02:28:20 00:15:44 00:03:58 01:18:37 00:03:36 00:46:27
45 Trish Nicholls 1959 IRL 31567 02:29:10 00:14:37 00:03:29 01:16:06 00:03:51 00:51:08
46 Susanna Webber 1960 AUS 31611 02:29:30 00:14:13 00:04:37 01:17:35 00:04:24 00:48:42
47 Susan Bishop 1963 AUS 31599 02:29:30 00:12:10 00:03:40 01:17:02 00:03:46 00:52:54
48 Eleanor Millington 1962 GBR 31543 02:29:48 00:14:16 00:04:02 01:16:59 00:03:58 00:50:35
49 Yolanda Iribarren De Zamora 1963 MEX 31575 02:30:14 00:16:15 00:05:32 01:10:38 00:04:38 00:53:13
50 Gabriela Patron Gonzalez 1961 MEX 31577 02:30:20 00:13:27 00:05:07 01:16:35 00:04:18 00:50:55
51 Bärbel Unser 1963 GER 31560 02:30:30 00:16:29 00:04:54 01:17:41 00:04:21 00:47:08
52 Pippa Michaels 1961 USA 31542 02:30:37 00:14:12 00:04:55 01:15:26 00:03:52 00:52:14
53 Sarah-Jane Horscroft 1961 RSA 31583 02:30:57 00:15:41 00:04:25 01:16:15 00:04:21 00:50:18
54 Lesley Miller 1962 CAN 31621 02:30:58 00:15:31 00:04:52 01:16:52 00:04:23 00:49:21
55 Caroline Madden 1960 GBR 31541 02:31:06 00:13:27 00:03:30 01:21:31 00:03:56 00:48:45
56 Jennifer Reinhart 1959 USA 31595 02:31:26 00:11:35 00:04:57 01:18:03 00:04:41 00:52:12
57 Kim Raine 1961 CAN 31623 02:31:29 00:16:29 00:06:06 01:17:23 00:04:25 00:47:07
58 Cecilia Salamanca Uranga 1963 MEX 31578 02:32:05 00:15:07 00:06:53 01:18:36 00:04:40 00:46:52
59 Jane Hinne 1959 GBR 31537 02:32:11 00:15:19 00:03:51 01:16:51 00:04:02 00:52:10
60 Cordula Sievers 1963 GER 31559 02:32:25 00:16:59 00:04:27 01:18:09 00:03:49 00:49:03
61 Ann Johnstone 1962 GBR 31538 02:32:56 00:12:56 00:03:43 01:21:08 00:03:52 00:51:18
62 Charlotte Jassan 1961 MEX 31576 02:33:01 00:14:48 00:04:50 01:18:56 00:04:27 00:50:01
63 Louise Togneri 1961 IRL 31568 02:33:11 00:15:51 00:04:17 01:13:26 00:03:49 00:55:50
64 Linda Whitelegg 1963 GBR 31552 02:33:52 00:16:05 00:03:45 01:18:39 00:03:38 00:51:48
65 Frances Buckley 1961 IRL 31562 02:34:49 00:15:05 00:04:38 01:16:39 00:04:19 00:54:10
66 Carolyn Hiles 1959 CAN 31618 02:34:50 00:14:36 00:05:50 01:16:35 00:04:38 00:53:13
67 Hiroko Kishimoto 1957 JPN 31571 02:35:20 00:14:21 00:05:24 01:20:01 00:04:16 00:51:21
68 Noella Buchanan 1962 AUS 31600 02:36:12 00:15:40 00:03:42 01:17:00 00:03:43 00:56:10
69 Anne Mcgrane 1963 IRL 31566 02:37:23 00:15:10 00:03:59 01:20:14 00:03:35 00:54:28
70 Maria Dibb 1961 CAN 31616 02:38:02 00:15:00 00:04:41 01:23:27 00:04:24 00:50:32
71 Carol Fricks 1959 ISV 31569 02:38:13 00:14:20 00:04:36 01:19:17 00:04:31 00:55:31
72 Dolores Fragoso Obeso 1961 MEX 31574 02:38:30 00:13:23 00:04:01 01:20:55 00:05:42 00:54:31
73 Caroline West 1961 NZL 31582 02:38:58 00:14:23 00:04:02 01:16:52 00:04:19 00:59:24
74 Aideen Allen 1962 IRL 31561 02:40:11 00:14:01 00:04:34 01:15:20 00:04:08 01:02:09
75 Stephanie Johnston 1959 AUS 31627 02:40:30 00:16:39 00:05:40 01:23:19 00:04:39 00:50:16
76 Lorna Hepburn 1960 AUS 31604 02:41:28 00:17:32 00:04:49 01:18:20 00:05:26 00:55:22
77 Joanne Kent 1962 CAN 31619 02:42:40 00:13:31 00:04:47 01:23:07 00:05:06 00:56:11
78 Rosanna Crisp 1963 AUS 31601 02:42:53 00:17:32 00:06:37 01:18:14 00:05:14 00:55:18
79 Aya Yamamoto 1961 JPN 31573 02:44:03 00:16:26 00:04:29 01:23:47 00:04:26 00:54:57
80 Anne Mageean 1961 IRL 31563 02:44:04 00:13:32 00:04:23 01:25:46 00:04:25 00:56:00
81 Chiemi Tsuchiya 1962 JPN 31572 02:46:00 00:16:07 00:05:36 01:22:15 00:04:34 00:57:29
82 Elma Van Noordwyk 1963 RSA 31584 02:47:37 00:19:14 00:05:00 01:20:54 00:04:55 00:57:36
83 Jill Sultan 1960 AUS 31610 02:52:56 00:16:49 00:04:02 01:23:47 00:04:49 01:03:32
84 Joanne Graham 1961 CAN 31617 02:54:37 00:14:03 00:05:50 01:19:39 00:06:01 01:09:05
85 Cheryl Stewart 1962 CAN 31624 03:00:03 00:14:49 00:07:36 01:25:27 00:09:02 01:03:10
86 Auristela Webster 1962 BRA 31614 03:06:02 00:16:27 00:07:37 01:33:49 00:09:31 00:58:40
87 Sara Guadalupe Suarez Pantoja 1960 MEX 31579 03:06:41 00:17:23 00:09:03 01:34:39 00:05:31 01:00:08
Program Details
Program Notes

Due to the combined air and water temperature, the swim was shortened to 750m